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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Leslie : Lawrence Senior Photography

No, Leslie is not a high school senior. She is graduating college. From KU, but I'll forgive her :) Leslie and I were born on the same day a year apart. We also both went to Mizzou and then transferred - and after transferring realized what an amazing dining hall system Mizzou had. We could eat at just about any time we wanted, and our meals rolled over to points at the end of the week and we could stock up on fruit snack and orange juice and chips. It was fun to wander around KU's campus and take pictures - there is some gorgeous light on that campus! (See, I can say nice things about KU).


About Claire

I'm a mommy and a photographer, and I've got the coolest husband ever. My photography journey is just getting started, but I can't wait to see where I go with it.