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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sonia + Alex : Kansas City Wedding Photographer

I'm sitting here not knowing where to start. Maybe it's because I like Sonia & Alex so much that I don't know what all to say about their wedding. Maybe it's because I've been such a horrible blogger that I've forgotten how to do it. Or maybe it's because their wedding was almost 6 months ago. Probably a combination of all 3 of these things. I had a lot more pictures I wanted to post, but apparently when I was sorting them I forgot about a few things that I have set up in Photoshop & I basically picked a ton of the wrong sizes of pictures. And since there were so many to go back through, I just shortened the post. It's my blog, I can do what I want. Let's just recap about their wedding: it was a gorgeous day. It was a gorgeous ceremony. We got to shoot inside our old high school (since 99% of the wedding party went to Miege. That statistic might be slightly off but I refuse to do math right now). I loved the reception. I love Sonia & Alex. I'm sorry it took me about 6 months to blog this, but better late than never, right?


Ashley C Matheny October 27, 2011 at 10:40 AM  

LOVE LOVE LOVE all the picture! You are so talented. I MISS YOU!!

About Claire

I'm a mommy and a photographer, and I've got the coolest husband ever. My photography journey is just getting started, but I can't wait to see where I go with it.